Looking through the viewfinder of my camera, I see the world in a different way. My mind contemplates the technical capabilities of the camera to capture a picture, not just any picture, a picture to make people stop and think for a moment. The best way for me to learn how to improve my "photography" skills and capture images people will ponder over is by taking more pictures. So, I decided to join a project called "365" with the intent of inspiring people to spend a small amount of time each day, my day, with camera in hand, capturing sites one would typically pass day. Each week has a theme and each day a photo will be posted to reflect the theme. Enjoy the photos and watch me learn more about this art form.

Tuesday, August 11

Day 97

Just a little vintage action on this photo. Thought it added a nice effect and warmed it up a bit.

Day 96

I had a friend helping me chose flowers for the pictures. You can see his hands here as he held this together for a photo.

Day 95

My favorite flower photo so far. I love the bright yellow and the bee that decided to join me for my flower photo day. Each time I look at this picture, it makes me want to smile since it is so cheery and colorful.

Day 94

Let's add some purple to this mix of colorful flower photos.

Day 93

So I should admit that I took all these flower photos at the bakery and all in the same day. I am pleased with the outcome though and the unique shape of this flower's petals.

Day 92

NEW THEME: Flowers!! Captured this photo at the bakery on one of the tables. Looks a little different than I had in my mind, but a like the contrast of the flower against the stone.

Day 91

A portion of the intake behind the PUD plant. Just like the way the water appeared and the contrast against the metal pipes.

Day 90

Same little girl, serious expression, and a cute dress!

Day 89

A wooden bench outside of the bakery and a little girl that was more than willing to sit for a picture. Thought the composition was great here and the dappled light on her dress adds character.

Day 88

An old mine entrance at Holden Village. The village is about 7 miles up from the Port of Lucerne on Lake Chelan. Some people vacation there just as they do in Stehekin. Not much of interest to us in the town, but we enjoy visiting the mine.